That's an excellent question, and I have read that Dr. Sutherland uses the Terminator. I can also tell you that using just a regular zapper, as in the RSG-1, while helpful, did not eradicate (according to unorthodox testing methods, and the Fscan II) some extremely dangerous and harmful organisms in me, such as the cancer virus, or baccilus lechinformis - the Rife organism, tb viral, etc. (I only used the Beck blood electrification very short term). Some feel that a frequency specific generating device is better, while other's claim that a general frequency zap is good. I personally am seeing in my personal experience that general zapping is a shot gun approach, that does not get all the prey. I like Dr. Sutherland's concept in that it's better to approach it like a sniper, using specific frequencies aiming for a very specific target. I suppose then, it would depend on several factors, but this is my understanding of it. Rife is still an area largely not understood to me at this time.
"The best policy is to test everything yourself. Keep an open mind and try things out as an experiment. Keep what works and throw away the rest based on your own experience."