Re: My DELICIOUS good-for-you Health Cookies...Yummmm!
Here's a recipe for Sauerkraut that doesn't involve soaking for weeks in a crock and the smell, mess, and mold that goes with that process. Also, since there is no heat involved in the process, it is filled with friendly bacteria for the intestinal tract.
Pioneer Sauerkraut (simple)
pounds of cabbage (uncut) makes about 4
quarts kraut
Ready to eat in 14 days:
Cabbage (as much as you want to use...see YIELD above)
Salt - use
Sea Salt or unrefined if possible
1 tsp per pint
2 tsp per quart
1. Have ready clean canning jars, lids and rings
2. Chop or shred cabbage finely
3. Pack cabbage tightly in jars using wooden dowel. Fill jars only to shoulders to allow room for cabbage to work.
4. Add salt.
5. Pour hot water (about 100 degrees) over cabbage, leaving 1
inch of head space. (Boiling would kill the bacteria. If the water is on the cool side (lukewarm) it just takes longer to start working.)
6. Wipe rims and screw lids onto jars. No need to process.
7. Wipe jars clean and store in cool place.
8. Ready to begin using in two weeks.