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Re: RSG-4 sweep Zapper or ZHC5 Zapper by Sota???
wellnessyoga Views: 6,368
Published: 22 y
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Re: RSG-4 sweep Zapper or ZHC5 Zapper by Sota???

I have seen several of Beck's videos, taken when he was holding talks at health conventions. Still have one, good to watch now and then. I think one of the reasons he made the units to be battery operated was because he was suspicious of the effects of hooking ones body up to electrical current in the wall. So, you say there are batteries in the godzilla, but at the same time the unit has to be plugged into the electric wall outlet???
Do you use salt water solution, or electrode gel?
I would like to find out more about that $50.- resale godzilla. Do you know if it was built by "V", and does it come with the Colloidal Silver maker? I would really like to get that as well. The friend who loaned me Beck's/Sotas blood electrifyer owns it because he wanted the Colloidal Silver maker, that part is all he uses, owned it for years, never used the blood purifyer attachment yet. Beats me...
However, he uses Beck's/Sota's magnetic pulser daily. I tried it, did not do anythink for me. That's the one you have for sale, right? I guess you want to move on the the magzilla?


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