Water.....a SEA of water....
No such thing as too much water - the more you drink, the more you pee. The more you pee, the more you flush.
Before this thing, I drank about 2 liters/day - 4 liters even if it's a gym day. Then for some reason, I stopped drinking water when I started this, which was DEFINITELY under the heading of DUH, especially with the flaxseed.
I'm going to the bathroom so much I think in another week I will have washed my hands right off my arms. I opened a 5 gal thing of spring water yesterday late afternoon - I've already consumed half of it, in less than 24 hours.
At least something's coming out of somewhere!
DUDE - drink all the water you want to! Without extra water, you'll be thirsty, especially post SWF. (A glass of water tastes pretty good with half a lemon in it...an UNUSUAL taste (LOL))
P.S. Can you trade lemon futures like you can trade soybeans or coffee? (grin) Every time one of us visits the grocery or health food store to get more lemons, the supply is significantly reduced!