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Re: What is SWF?
blueskyz Views: 4,809
Published: 22 y
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Re: What is SWF?

LOL! Funny! Yes - quite some personals site we have going here, eh? I think it's the charming, scintillating conversation that is never out of place in ANY living room!

I was just about to sign off and noticed your question stuck down in here about to pass on by unnoticed.

Salt Water Flush. Ghastly. 1 quart of lukewarm water - warm enough to be effective, but not so warm you can't drink it down fairly quickly. Into the water put 2 teaspoons of sea salt (not regular morton's table salt). Drink it down as rapidly as possible. I'm happy if I bring it in under 7 minutes.

Then I throw my arms up in victory, say "YES!!!!", do NOT slam my glass on the counter unless I happen to be using plastic that morning, do a quick Happy Dance, and run pronto upstairs to the bathroom.

It's done in the morning, with the Smooth Move tea as its evening counterpart. An alternative is tea BOTH morning and night.

In case you wonder - it is not effective if you only drink 1/2 the water. Then you don't even get to reap the rewards. Trust me, I tried to shortcut it.


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