DAy1-PArt two
Well, I was bad and ate a piece of bread and a couple chips in the middle of the night,,,,my question is why a piece of bread?? Why would this tempt me???thats pretty sad,huh? Of all the wonderful things I could have blown it w/ and I chose a piece of bread! Whats bad is it wasn't a wonderful homemade piece of bread or even a great kind from the bakery, It was the cheapest kind of bread from the cheapest loaf the store sold and thats what tempted me!!! That is SAD!
oh well anyways, I drank my herb lax tea hoping it would help eliminate my bad ways (bread,taco,chips) and went to bed.
I woke up this morn and made my swf..I tried to drink it fast as everyone was telling me was a good idea. I must not have stirred it well enough cause the last couple gulps were very salty and made me gag..infact I threw up some of it..I had to stop myself from throwing it all up(didn't know that was possible,did ya?
well absolutely NO elimination yet and it around 9 now..maybe cause I had food in my stomache?>????? Man I really screwed things up by eating!
I really need to accomplish this and use it as a huge step forward in regaining control of my body,my life...
Day one,part 2 off and running!
STacy B