Kar - me too! I'm on day 4 and feeling great! My tongue - only today - is a BIT coated. One small headache on day one, i'm not constantly in the bathroom, i'm not in any misery whatsoever - not even any discomfort.
Earlier I'd posted a thread called "where's the drama?" because I was wondering WHY I'd feel so vastly disappointed if at day 10, i STILL hadn't been miserable at some point. I dunno. The closest I can come to answering my own question is exactly what you said - then how else do we know toxins have been released?
So I'm still wondering - since today my tongue is showing signs of becoming coated, and I'm pooping at least more liquid-y than I was, if it's the calm before the storm. Or if there will even be a storm? It makes one wonder - ME, anyway - am I doing this thing correctly? Or just what's up?
Let's keep in touch. Perhaps we'll either FIND out or FIGURE it out!