You ever watch an old man blow his nose? It's a honk'n'peek thing. (okay, well maybe not JUST old men.....). So what's with the human tendency to look in the toilet when we're done? Oh yeah - me too! I have a feeling though - by the time I'm done with this MC thing (cheese, oh all the cheese I've eaten) and then the parasite cleanse - I'm going to be VERY SORRY I have that habit.
Here's the funny thing - the more we do that, and the grosser the stuff we see, the more we do that, no? Like when you were a kid waiting for the bus and there was a dead possum a car ran over. So you go look at it, all its guts and stuff and say "EW GROSS!" And run back over to the bus stop. But after a just gotta go back over and look again - and again!
Human beings. Aren't we remarkable?