Tyndale House Boycott: Uniting Christians
It seems that Tyndale House's involvement in Left Behind: Eternal Forces is coming back to haunt it. A series of articles can be found here. An excerpt:
Tyndale House should be boycotted for licensing a hate-based children's game that scapegoats religious freedom, exploits 9/11, tracks teens with spyware without their knowledge of permission, and makes a callous joke of Christianity. At its dark heart, Left Behind: Eternal Forces is an anti-Christian game, a ravenous wolf posturing in sheep's clothing.
What's remarkable is not that there's a call for a boycott, and a response to the call for a boycott. What's remarkable is that, in this instance, conservative Christians and progressive people alike are closing ranks, moving from talk to action, exercising our freedom of speech, calling not for censorship, but condemnation of an unpatriotic and irreligious videogame. So many individuals are coming from so many perspectives, coming to the same conclusions. It's time to stand up, speak out, and defend religious freedom. It's time to boycott.
In the next installment of this series, read about a conservative Christian news distributor that started out to disprove Talk to Action's charges about Left Behind: Eternal Forces -- and after playing the game, concluded that Talk to Action's series is accurate, and the game is unChristian.