Re: Conspiracy Ignorant? DUH - Audio on WHORE Babylon AmericA proofs by Preachers
Yes, Satan Conspires, and has from the beginning, to RULE the world, and WILL DO SO with a ONE world government, and ONE world currency, and a ONE world government.
Now I will educate you further on my "sources" - which you are wholly partial, and ignorant largely, about.
Just a portion -
Dr. John Coleman, former British M16 agent and personal advisor to the Queen of England - I've spoken to him by telephone several times and he has written of the BEAST supercomputers in his MONOGRAPHS, and interestingly enough, mentions how the illuminist elitists someday wish to HUNT humans (like ole' Cheney & ICE T - think) who won't accept the mark of the beast for "SPORT". He's one of my greatest insights into the New World Order, and THE GREATEST modern Day PROPHET known to man - by intelligence analysis - proof? Of over 650 GEOPOLITICAL "PREDICTIONS" given since 1975, 97% have come TRUE years later, some as much as 5 year later. He's only been 3% "off". Wake up and SMELL the truth. His bottom line is, as stated on talk radio "When we lose GOD & THE CONSTITUTION
, WE ARE DOOMED" - his words buddy. THE bottom line? HIS INFORMATION agrees ENTIRELY and PARALLEL with Dr. Tatiana Korygiana (spelling?) Russia President Putin's TOP ECONOMIC ADVISOR who in PRAVDA (TRUTH) predicted 911 in July of 2001, and in follow up interview September (17?) she stated the same as Dr. John Coleman... of 40 years of her deep economic studies, research, and analysis - THE Conspiracy IS TRUE - secret groups attaining HIGH Positions in Government, Business, and RELIGION(s) to create a ONE world GOVERNMENT, ONE world CURRENCY, and ONE WORLD RELIGION -
Recent call for a UNITED NATIONS RELIGION CENTER to be set up in TEL AVIV SAY ANYTHING ? ? ? (this weeks news and announcement).
Awe, but who has a Conspiracy for ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT? ONE WORLD RELIGION, and ONE WORLD CURRENCY? ? ? MASONS? MONDEX? United Nations per Lucifer ie. Lucis Trust - ?
What BOOK in the BIBLE talks about THAT??? - Revelations, and most of the Old Testament Prophets. And ALL ancient prophecies from almost ALL ancient religions - go figure. Gee,,, it's a Conspiracy from the DARK FORCEs of Satan.
My other source of information per TELEPHONE, and numerous articles, videos, and talk show radio reports?
Harry Belafonte declares Department of Homeland Security akin to the Nazi SS
Al Cuppett
US Army & Action Officer, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Retired)
366 Graves Mill Rd
Madison, VA 22727
26 January 2006
Subject: Harry Belafonte declares Department of Homeland Security akin to the Nazi SS
I’m not a great fan of Harry Belafonte as he is somewhat “liberal”; however his recent statements about the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are correct.
As a retired Joint Chiefs of Staff Action Officer who has done extensive research in the operations of the **Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) over the past 14 years, I can assure you Belafonte’s remarks are valid. Moreover, behind the “scenes” daily presented by NBC, CNN, ABC, AP, ad nauseam, [which feed us with cleverly propagated lies], FEMA and the DHS are working hand in hand with the “shadow government” to destroy our “life liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Taking those rights/hopes is the covert plan of the New World Order; and be advised, born again Believers in Jesus Christ, and all Jews, are in now imminent danger in the USA!
In the name of “the war on terror” the “shadow government”, which includes operatives within (and without) DHS and FEMA, are working feverishly to execute “events” which will seem plausible, but will lead to draconian laws being passed, such as the Patriot Acts. These laws were the result of the “scenario” cleverly executed against us on 11 Sept 2001. Another “attack” will most likely guarantee their extension by a “scared Congress”.
The American people are so dumbed-down they’ll believe any cock and bull story they hear on TV. An example is the 1996 TV report by Tom Brokaw, wherein he stated at 6:30 PM, that “..Twenty-five tons of high nitrate [bomb grade] fertilizer had been stolen from the farmer’s coop in Bruceton Mills, WV.” The immediate FEAR mongering mindset they wanted to inject into the US public is there are at least 25 tons of bombs now hidden in the USA --- Oh, my goodness, Heaven help us, it’s going to be the annihilation of our kids and wives!!! Just like OKC in 1995. Folks, this is the “Hegelian Dialectic process” in action; wherein the New World Order propaganda and “black operations” systems dupe and enslave us all!
Nevertheless, an ANFO [fertilizer-fuel oil] bomb will NOT cut reinforced concrete past 23 feet! So testified General Benton K. Partin, a Defense Department Directed Energy Weapons Designer/Engineer, before the 2nd OKC (county) grand jury; a jury which you NEVER heard about, thanks to a controlled press! The truck bomb was 35 feet from the Murrah Building. There’s no way Tim McVeigh, alone, did that damage. The Creator’s laws of physics prevent such from happening. To wit, the brisance wave is too slow from 35 feet away to cut reinforced concrete!
So now that you’re plumb scared about the OKC “bomb” and the 25 tons of fertilizer being stolen, let’s progress as your faithful retired JCS Action Officer “inspector” goes to Bruceton Mills, VW, a few weeks later.
Since West Virginia is my beat, I drove the 240 miles and showed the CO-OP employees my three federal ID cards. Within minutes two employees admitted it was actually a “book keeping error”. No fertilizer was ever stolen! Folks, this is how they work to scare the daylights out of you. It was all a lie to make you give up your rights, guns, and bibles; and getting your guns and bibles is their final goal!! your ride to a concentration camp will follow shortly after the people lose their guns. friend, don’t argue with me! it’s being planned as i type these very words!!! A political assassination they are now planning will bring this to pass.
Maybe you haven’t yet connected what Belafonte said with what I have written above? Harry Belafonte may be elderly and liberal but he has put two and two together over the last few years. To wit, two once-Communist “head hunters” Yevgeni Primakov, ex-KGB boss, and Marcus Wolf, ex-East German Secret Police [STASSI] Chief, are working in the employ of Michael Chertoff, Secretary of DHS!! This is possible due to Executive Order 12919 signed by Bill Clinton on 4 June 1994; allowing “experts” to be hired to run the country in times of “emergency”. However, they didn’t tell you they would hire foreigners; nor that “full time federal employees” would not be eligible for these federal “emergency” positions. Why? Federal employees take an oath to the Constitution and thus would not perform properly in such treasonous activities. Wake up Americans!
Are you getting the picture yet? We have a “shadow government” running the country on the orders of Brussels and the Vatican’s “Black Pope”, Jesuit Cardinal Von Kolvenbach. But nevertheless, Belafonte is right and my Jewish friends had better make ALIYAH.
Respectfully submitted,
Al Cuppett
Bronze Star and Purple Heart Medals, et al, Vietnam, 1970-1971
Republic of Vietnam Signal Badge, DCA-SAM, 1970-1971
Joint Service Commendation Medal, w/two Oak leaf Clusters, DCA, 1966-1979
Defense Meritorious Service Medal, DCA-Athens, 1977-1979
The Secretary of Defense Civilian Service Medal, the Joint Staff, 1990
Joint Meritorious Unit Award, the Joint Staff, 1984-1990
**FEMA is about 10 percent “Flood and Mud”. The other 90% of their funding goes to “black operations”; not for “disaster relief”. This is why they could not respond to Katrina; nor will they be able to respond to any major disaster. Their funds have been spent behind the scenes for “Kontrol” of the American people: to include the termination of “certain groups of people”. Prophetically, FEMA’s treasonous activities are about to be found out when weather-related disasters soon strike the USA! The Congress, which voted the “blank check” money over the last 20 years, will soon realize untold billions were spent for something besides disaster relief for you and me. Are you “smelling the coffee” yet? Furthermore, their treason is revealed in the book, “America Sold Out, the coming persecution and complacency of the Church “ by Ray Hope and myself; and the Prophecy Club videos “Straight from the Joint Chiefs”, and Black Operations and Prophecy, as well as the DVD “I AM vs. the New World Order”. The video, “The Exodus Option –Last Flight to Har El – A Joint Chiefs of Staff Action Officer’s Warning to Jews and Believers “, also reveals most of this info. Moreover, in closing, I hope LtCol Rebalsky (circa 1971-1974) will approve of my editing in this letter.]
That's the LION's PAW -
Now we also have CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN R.A. COOMBES, a CALVARY BIBLE COLLEGE GRADUATE and former employee/contractee of Ronald Reagan -
awe, and Cutting Edge Ministries (Baptist ex AIR FORCE OFFICERS)
And we have former U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer William Cooper, etc. etc. etc. etc. that ALL agree that America is the MYSTERY BABYLON of the Bible.
The U.N. Flag came from the original flag once flown over the Grand Lodge of Scottish Freemasonry in Scotland. Lucifer magazine became Lucis Trust. That's fact.
The Vatican is SO evil the former POPE wrote a public apology for it, because of researcher doctor of divinity Rebecca S. Harrison proved that the Catholic Church as an institution has been responsible for MORE MURDERS than any other INSTITUTION in the known history of MANKIND!!!
MURDER and LOVE OF MONEY (GREED) = ULTIMATE EVIL = LIARS & Antichrist (in the place of and against the TRUE Christ).
I got more sources... ones I've TALKED Too. :) Don't try to label me, don't try to chalk it off as conspiracy that Revelations, and Daniel speaks of...
KNOW it's FACT and CONSPIRACY of ANTICHRIST FORCES and his knowing and "UNknowing pawns" to RULE THE WORLD for 7 Years, or for sure 42 MONTHS. Duh.