Founding Father James who went to the Episcopal church said "It is the mutual duty of all to practice Christain forbearance".
John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the USA Supreme Court declared " Providence has given to our people choice of our rulers and it's their duty as well as privilege & interest of our Christain nation to select and prefer Christains for their rulers."
Founding Fathers who worked on the Constitution opened with their offical act in Congress which ended in these words "the merits of Jesus Christ,The SON, our SAVIOR. Amend"
Last but not least: The ' NEW ENGLAND PRIMER' of Boston in 1777 was used by all of our Founding Fathers to learn to read. It was first printed in 1690 by Benjamin Harris and was the first book printed in America. It was a Christain PRAYER book who taught to look to Christ for our guid'line in life. Fore 200 years it was the textbook for students.