IT's SO simple - Re: Mark of the beast
Attack the message, not the messenger. The flames of War have LONG been flamed and planned by the Illuminati, as far back as the late 1800's (See Albert Pike's vision about what exactly would and IS causing WORLD WAR III).
The beast is the battle engagement and simulated tracking computers or BEAST SUPERCOMPUTERS that will use the UPIC or universal personal identification code bracketed by the absolutely necessary 6 6 6 brackets or bars in the bar code itself.
Everyone who takes this same tracking chip or laser tattor into their forehead or right forehand in the near future to "buy or sell" will be DAMNED eternally, as both Biblical, Pleidian, and ancient Pyramid records and prophecy INDICATES. IT's VERY simple. VERY simple. It's no Mystery anymore to what the beast is, and it's mark... and I think I have even learned thus, then what the IMAGE of the 'beast' will be... I think I 'may' have saw it today for the lesser advanced countries that will instead perhaps 'worship' IT's (information technology) IMAGE (IT's mark is used in the more accurately translated alexandrian texts based Catholic New American Bible, in which it clearly states "IT's mark" the mark of a THING, NOT a man, or the number of man himself... each individual man or womans NUMBER,,, UPIC 6 6 6 the brackets on the UPC code or UPIC 6 6 6 the bracket the two seperate parts of the UPIC intended for each man, woman, and child on earth.
It's so SIMPLE... and ALL CARS are now in progress to being CHIPPED and TRACKED by the BEAST in BRiTiAn and all ANIMALS (25% by April 2006, and ALL by January 2008 per Federal MANDATE and LAW) will be TRACKED too.... complete with the marc of the beast supercomputers....
And in the poor nations who cannot operate yet with such technology... the IMAGE will be worshipped... I'll try to get a photo later, and post of this 'possibility' from a third world country.
The beast computers are located at a mountain near Colorado Springs Colorado, Fort Meade Maryland (N.S.A. underground), Brussels Belgium, Israel, Russia, etc.