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Cencorship and Gatekeeping
Blue Stone Views: 2,451
Published: 20 y

Cencorship and Gatekeeping

In response to Mod 3

Explain how the post was "libelous?"

Some background for other posters is in order. I placed a link in the Bible Christianity Forum with the heading ---Challenge--- that lead to this post in the Christianity Debate forum. I did this to invite christians to a discussion about President Bush, who claims to be christian. I would have thought that this would be of great interest to many christians here at curezone. I left no comments there (only a link) so as not to elicit debate over there. However, a moderator who is famous for gatekeeping *that* forum labeled my title "Challenge" somehow "libelous" and nuked my post.

The post was nothing more than an invitation for anyone with an opinion on a person calling himself a christian president. The point was not to debate *there* but if one wanted to, (and only if one wanted to) they could join in the discussion *here*...a discussion that should be front and center in all christian communities, even your brand of christianity "mod 3".

If you meant my "Calling all Christians" post as being libelous, the statements are backed up by thousands of journalists, and anyone with an eye for truth. It is possible that you have cut off many christians from seeing this topic and responding. I am hopeful that not ALL christians support lying, war mongering Presidents and would have enjoyed their responses to that thread. You have however, played big brother by deleting the invitiation. I wonder if there are some christians that find that the least bit troubling.

Is it not ironic that the "christian" Bush administration is also on the warpath against dissent? He makes quite an Icon/leader/example for some that like to gatekeep dissenting views from their own.

Again we see a guarded forum in action by a select mod. Is this considered doing god's work? On one hand we have you saving the flock from a discussion on a president claiming to be a christian, yet allowing posts attacking groups that stand up to tryanny (is that supportive? wasn't even an invitation to a debate area but an outright attack in a support forum moderated by you) BIASED MUCH?

MOD 3 says: "btw your intent was other than pure"

My "intent" is to see why christians would support a man claiming to be a christian who has now been caught illegally spying on his countrymen as well as endorsing the torture of men and boys. You seem not to want to have YOUR (heavily guarded) forum to be invited into this discussion. Why not? Whose intent is "other than pure"?

Personally I find your chuckling over this rather unprofessional and unsettling but certainly not at all suprising. "Mod 3" as a christian do you support "christian" president Bush? I think I recall that "mod 3" does, and if so brings an interesting light to the above post and actions.

Is there a good reason that you want to keep this hot issue locked away in a closet as far away as possible from *your* flock?

Oh and of course the usual invitation is on the table whereby people that support tyranny (of all kinds) can give me the usual covert "no vote" and show your true colours.

For those interested, here is what MY god has to say about my passion for this topic.

When giving careful and calculated thought on how else you might see certain situations differently than you now see them - and your entire life for that matter - please keep in mind, Blue Stone, that occasionally being on “the fringe,” is good.

Real good.

Come in Tokyo,
The Universe

Well the "finge" in this forum. *wink*

No vote awayyyyy.

~Stone of Blue~



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