Jews identify Melchizedek as Shem, Noah's son.
Shem, and the House of Shem, was a big noise in the ancient world, and was persecuted according to extrabiblical Jewish texts cited in David Fasold's "The Ark of Noah" now out of print. This red haired bundle of energy came to be persecuted for himself persecuting falsity, as in those who say men will become gods per Fasold. Melchizedek was alleged to be the mastermind behind the Great Pyramid of Giza, a diorama of the Flood story complete with boat and lagoon (it's a great hydraulic ram pump) and a red sarcophagus for the bones of the First Man, Adam, himself associated with red.
Babylonian Mystery Religions are satanic in that they compromise or contradict all the Eternal Creator has revealed about Himself or His will. Our choice is simple: death and cursing; or life and blessing. "As for me and my house, we chose life." Islam is a Judeo-Christian derivative which, while based on monotheism, sadly, has chosen "death and cursing." This is a fatal corruption as toxic as Mormonism's belief in Satan's lie that men can be gods. The Antichrist will, as does Islam, deny the crucifixion. The great deception will present a kind of true falsity. May the Most High grant us discernment.