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Looking for suggestions while on the MC

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Butterfly Views: 2,198
Published: 23 y

Looking for suggestions while on the MC


I am on day 4 of the MC. I have done it before and have had wonderful results. I know you are supposed to use Sea Salt internal bath, but for two reasons I am not. First, I have been told by enough people that the salt can actually harden the plaque on our intestinal walls and make it difficult to remove. Second, I can't stand it. I have been doing enemas of water and valerian each morning instead. I will be buying a less nasty smelling tea then Super Dieters Tea, it gets things moving but has a horrible smell so I just have not been doing the laxative tea either, just the enema.

My question is this, I know many of you are sticklers for sticking with the book but I can't, I really can't. But I would like to get the most out of this cleanse. I want to do external salt baths, enemas, other cleansing that might supplement the cleanse. I think I read a couple of entries where people were actually cleansing their liver along with the MC. I actually thought the Master-Cleanse was a liver cleanse. If there are things I can do with the Master-Cleanse ie. take herbs to loosen any intestinal guk, daily enemas with particular herbs or coffee, baths with specific oils etc... I would like to. I have Artichoke and Sasparilla capsules that I have been taking for my liver while on the cleanse thinking it could only support the cleanse, am I correct?

I am interested in whatever suggestions and support you can contribute.




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