23 y
Re: InCharge - I would like to ask you...
Hi InCharge
THANK YOU...for replying so quickly, for being so generous, for taking the time to give a detailed and easy to understand method to work with, and thank you for being kind.
Regarding "The Journey "I would love to share it with you. It is a way to meet past situations and experiences in our life that may have had a negative impact on our lives, address the person or people involved and tell them what we needed to say then and now and also hear what they would have said coming from a place of truth, their pure soul. The purpose is to release our cells of these memories. It is very powerful. The Journey is also about finding and staying in our source, I true self. The joy, the peace, the love, etc... that truly exists when we are void of the layers that time and pain have left. There are two processes the Emotional Journey and the Physical Journey.
I came across the book by accident about a month and a half ago. It was sitting atop a pile of books someone had leafed through on a chair. I was actually looking for books on the subconscious at the time; something to address the deep issues that I knew were affecting my daily life but that I didn't know how to heal. I ended up not buying the book because I thought I would never do the exercises and that they would be too difficult. I completely forgot about it until I was listening to a radio show on which the author Brandon Bays was a guest. I didn't even know it was the same person because it had been over a month and I only spent about two minutes leafing through the book. But everything she was talking about was everything I was looking for. She had healed herself of a basketball size tumor in her lower abdomen and was now teaching people how repressed emotions remain in our cells and replicate in the newer cells unless they are released. The repressed emotions result in illness sometimes as severe as cancer. Now, even though my situation is nowhere near as severe as cancer or tumor I felt I needed to check this out. I went to website to find that seminar she was giving the follow week was to be the only one in the US 'till next year. So I jumped on it.
I went and am so grateful. I believe she will be in Canada this week then goes on to London and Austrailia; it is these places she spends most of her time.
I know I went into deep explanation here but it was very serendipitous . I am grateful. The experience was powerful and I have a true sense that it gets to the root of our issues. For some, all they might need is one Journey process because they may have had one trauma, for myself and my history I know that I will be spending time doing several Journey processes, I owe it to myself and the people in my life. It is a gift and helped me realize that I went through what I did so as not to repeat the same with my children...when I have them.
Anyway, if you are interested you could probably find the book at a bookstore or online. It is called The Journey by Brandon Bays.
Feel free to ask me anything. I think the website is either: or
Thank you again for being so kind and generous.
Peace & Love
Hopeful : )