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"Visions of Mary" 8:00 Sunday History Channel
nordskoven Views: 614
Published: 20 y

"Visions of Mary" 8:00 Sunday History Channel

From Genesis 3:15, God cursing Lucifer and his seed with the Woman & Seed; to Apocalpyse 12's "great sign" in the heavens of the woman clothed with the Sun, crowned with twelve stars; the theology of the Queen-Mother of Christ has been underplayed. Explore the "great sign" of Fatima, Portugal and other Marian apparitions on Easter Sunday at 8:00 on the History Channel. Please note that the Catholic Church has approved of only a few Marian apparitions, like Fatima, Portugal, with the "woman clothed with the Sun", and Lourdes, France with its healing spring.

Why is the role of the Genesis Woman pivotal in Christ's conquest of Satan? Find that out and you'll see why the woman & child relationship is and has been persecuted by demonic forces throughout history. For example, the "women of grace" type of Genesis origin was later forced to be a sacred prostitute, with her children subject to death in some areas. Why is there a sacred prostitute in Christ's lineage? Why did Christ eat with prostitutes and forgive the adulteress? Why was it necessary for Christ to be born of a virgin in fulfilling Isaiah 7:14? Let's all pray to God for answers. Don't forget, her "other seed" were persecuted in the Apocalypse.


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