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Re: christian Propaganda
daizy4 Views: 2,169
Published: 20 y
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Re: christian Propaganda

you are so right, Chaz. One must take a stand.....but it is not the easy path. We are seen as "unpatriotic" for one thing...isn't that a laugh......just because we are for "peace" and against "killing", they say we are "not supporting our troups". I get it often.

I was at a peaceful, prayful vigil the night before the Iraq mess began. I was with some very beautiful, prayerful people. Many were nuns......As we sang peace songs and prayed, cars and "christians" were driving by giving us the finger, calling us names and obscenities. They were spewing hatred at us...... and these beautiful people continued in silence, holding the energy of peace, without reacting to the crowd. (we are in a big city). The candles we were holding flickered with hope that the war would not happen, that lives would be spared.....holding on in silence.....

There are many who are taking a stand, but it not the popular path....


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