When you stir a hornets nest you get stung. When you love you get loved.
Over and over you choose to point out the defects of others who do not believe exactly as you but I believe that way of seeing the world does not bring forth good fruit. When the Holy Spirit directs me that message comes from a place of love and empathy. When I choose to respond from a place of fear and judgement, I know the Holy Spirit is nowhere to be found in my words. I am covered by Jesus' blood when I arrive before the judgement seat of God but while I live here on this earth my words and actions are seeds that will bring forth fruit or despair for me, my family, fellow Christians, and my neighbors who are not Christians.
If I pull out the pole in my own eye and you pull out the pole in yours, maybe we would both be so relieved that neither of us could find cause to come against our neighbors. I am a work in progress and work out my salvation daily. I hope you are on that same path. Blessings to you Klyd.