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Why CureZone Removes Posts
  Views: 1,129
Published: 21 y
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Why CureZone Removes Posts

Why do some posts get deleted?

If it is a troll, it gets deleted.
If it promotes the Quackwatch agenda (quackwatch troll), it gets deleted.
If it is a classic trolling: it is trying to spin conflicting information, if it is questioning in an insincere manner, if it is divisive and argumentative, flaming discussion, it gets deleted. Nobody likes people coming to the forums and wasting people's valuable time with insincere questions and need-to-be-right attitudes.
If it slanderously or libelously attacks unfounded ("Dr Schulze kills people!"), it gets deleted.
If it's a vicious personal attack ("You ignorant bottom dwelling pond scum"), it gets deleted.
If it's obvious marketing spam ("Go here! Best Ever!"), it gets deleted, unless it is posted in Market Forum.
If it's a personals ad (like the guy looking for actresses for his next X-rated movie) it gets deleted. [Note, this does not cover the more flirtatious posts between regulars, those we normally politely, with a smile, suggest they move to private chat or email.]
If it is dangerously stupid that could cause a newbie to seriously be injured or killed, it's a damned good candidate for deletion. (These would include things like "brushing my teeth with Clorox really makes them white!") In the meantime, we'd post a counter with medical reasons why it is not good IMMEDIATELY!
If it's an invitation to move to another forum somewhere on the web ("Go here! There is much better forum here with a lot of cool people!"), it gets deleted unless it is posted in Best Websites Forum
If it slanderously or libelously attacks CureZone ("CureZone is the worst web site ... the worst people I ever met") ... it gets deleted unless it is posted in our Guest Book
If it's a multiple post, the oldest or the unreplied gets deleted.


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