Re: Jon Rappoport interview of an ex vaccine researcher
Without meaning to sound would be very easy for me write an interview with a current vaccine researcher who believed in this work! This gives me no evidence whatsoever towards any of the claims they were making and is paramount to propoganda.
Being British, I feel I must expand on the Andrew Wakefield study....
1.) No one has been able to replicate his results
2.) The rest of his team have all admitted that the way that Wakefield carried out his study was flawed (and not because of pressure from MI6 - that whole section was ridiculous quite frankly! - but because they value their reputation as scientists)
3.) His study only involved 6 people and I can assure you that doing something 6 times does not prove anything (I am sure that if everyone reading this tried to flip a coin and get 6 heads in a row, someone would manage it!)
There are some valid points raised on this website, with some evidence to back it up, without having articles like this to demean everything....