ALERT !! Health Freedom Ends August 1st, UNLESS ...
The Global Government people have been busy. They mask their freedom-killing restrictions with words like "harmony" and "free trade", amongst others.
Please study the links below to see the paramount nature of this issue, and to see what we must do to stop it.
We can call and E-mail all the Vitamin, Mineral, and Food Supplement suppliers (Amway, Wachters', Neways, etc.) to alert them and ask them to support the ANH Lawsuit.
Since Food Supplement suppliers are so busy doing their thing, they have no way but the public to hear about this, and to act in time. Some have heard, but refuse to believe it can happen in America.
The more calls they get from different people, the more they will take this seriously:
Because of our U.S. Government being a member of the WTO and the UN, we ARE obligated to submit to these horrible, tyrannical laws, once they are in place.
If we do not act( supporting the ANH Lawsuit), the loss of our freedom of health and life will be OUR OWN FAULT.
Health Freedom Alert