That's what I thought as well! But, in my case the opposite seems to be happening. My reactions are getting more severe and when I recover from them, I don't feel more revitalized as I should according the herxheimer theories. Instead, I get another assault of something of a more severe nature!!!! I'm falling apart! The more I de-tox, improve nutrition, and cleanse, the more severe my reactions are occurring. I just recently got what I believe to be a bladder/kidney infection. I looked up my symptoms and it seems to be a bladder infection. Burning urination, feeling of bladder not empty, but no more pee, etc etc, kidney pain etc. I went to 2 urologists and they don't have a clue! Not that I was expecting them to know anything, but I thought it might be worth a shot! One wanted to do surgery on my testicle if you can believe that!!!!!