I'm frustrated. hmph!
I have a normally very regular system. I hit the bathroom about an hour after waking, no problems.
I just did a liver/gb cleanse. To prepare, I did apple juice and some drops added for three days. During this time I ate very little, sort of a modified fast, only enough to keep myself from going nuts and it was no junk food. So of course, my bowels slowed down.
On the second day of this period, I took an over the counter dose of laxative which gave me a movement the next morning. Then nothing again. A day later I increase it from 2 to 3 pills, but had no movement.
I then did my overnight flush, expecting to have a whoosh this morning. Nothing. I had a normal bowel movement.
So I took a Smooth Move tea this morning and... AND a
quart of water with 2 tsp
Sea Salt in it. I had another normal bowel movement (about 60 stones trapped in there I'd guess though). I want these stones flushed out as quickly as possible!
I am not constipated, but I want some really quick movements here so I don't have this stuff hanging around inside of me releasing their toxins. But it seems no matter what I put in, my colon says, "Nope, I simply want to stay nice and sloooooooow."
I'm thinking a box of prunes now. Any opinions out there?