The answer to question #1 is....? In my opinion, an unreserved yes! I am not a nutrition expert but have done lots of review of many articles from many places. My conclusion is that free radicals are not good for us and there is an avalance of them running around our body's. Antioxidants neutralize some of those free rads which should give us better health. That same research suggests that the super antioxidants are more effective in their neutralization process.
The answer to question #2 is Pro Star Nutrition's Pro Liberator. I say that because it contains all 5 of the primary OPCs - extract of grape seed, grape skin, green tea, pine bark, and red wine. Most other products do NOT contain all 5 OPCs. The second reason is that Pro Liberator contains almost 600 mg per serving of those OPCs plus almost 300 mg of other antioxidants. Most other products contain from 25 to 100 mg of the OPCs. The third reason for my value statement is cost which is about $.80 per serving and $.13 per 100 mg of OPC. I've seen another company brag that theirs is the least costly and it is $.75 per 100 mg.
Thanks for looking. The link below is to the super antioxidant. Post or email any questions.