Hepatitis A ????
When I was 16 I worked at a fast food place. The manager came down with hepatitis and we all had to go for a hepatitis vaccine.
Now, how do I know which hepatitis this was for.Do they give Hepatitis A shots?
If so are they just as dangerous.
I haven't been well since that summer. That is 30 years ago almost.
I have had depression, flu like symptoms, muscle aches, fatigue, mood swings..etc. etc.
anyone know??
hen I was 16 I worked at a fast food place. The manager came down with hepatits and we all had to go for a hepatitis vaccine.
Now how do I know which hepatits=is this was for and do they give Hepatitis A shots?
If so are they just as dangerous.
I haven't been well since that summer. That is 30 years ago almost.
I have had depression, flu like symptoms, muscle aches, fatigue, mood swings..etc. etc.
anyone know??