Re: Homeschool Kids in NC - Does the law require immunizations?
Universal Life Church let's you sort of create your own religion, they can send you a certificate that you've been ordained, and you are free to set your own rules (including ban on
vaccinations if you wish). They are not a church in strict sense, but I think they might do the job. I found another one that does ban
vaccination -, maybe it's a better choice. Check this:
I would email them and made sure they are a registered church though.
Also, there are fairly large
vaccination forums at and , maybe post there, somebody might have been in your situation already.
I understand your beliefs, that will do if they ask why you are not vaccinating, but for the school (and for the court if you are unlucky to have to challenge them in court) you shouldn't mention Bapstist church. Judge only cares about matching the situation to a particular paragraph in the law, not about making a 'fair' decision. Fighting for the truth won't work unfortunately.
Ours is partially vaccinated too. We will probably say that we didn't realize there was an religious exception, or something like that. I won't be surprized if it complicates things :-(
In our state you don't have to belong to a religion that bans vaccination, so it's easier.