Peace and Harmony can only begin with your own inner peace. How do we get there? By knocking on the door of our hearts and asking for help and intervention from God. Once we begin to truly have inner peace, acceptance (mistakes and all), and harmony (knowing others make mistakes too) and we begin to allow God's Love to radiate from our hearts, through our minds, actions and words, then it all becomes automatic. This is about making a committment and knowing that God (Love) is the reason for our life. It is about becoming aware that it is our habits and teachings from people, who were not in their hearts, that made us unpeaceful and out of harmony with ourselves and everyone else. With God there is no competition, no manipulation, no thinking that one race or religion or sex is better than another. We are all egual in God's eyes and God's Heart. BECOMING ONE WITH GOD'S HEART IS PEACE AND HARMONY.