Re: Daughter reaction to DPT shot?
Hello Kelly!
I can certainly symphathize with you over the horrible nightmare you experienced with your child. I know, because I went thru the exact identical thing with my daughter seven years ago.
At the time, as involved as I had always been with alternative medicine, I had never gotten into the issue of vaccinations. That evening was a very hard wake-up call. Many people have now told me that I was blessed not to have lost my child or have her become severely retarded. I do very firmly believe however, that the incident caused her some brain damage, as she is dyslexic and has had difficulty learning some subjects in school.
That particular shot was the very last my daughter ever had, and I will never again subject her to anything like that.
I investigated the legalities for my state and complied with their rules for exemption. You can do the same by going to the websites that were listed for you.
When a child has a seizure like experience as the one that our daughters have had, there is a swelling that occurs in the brain, most likely a little capillary burst in her eye, and that is the red spot you saw. If her behaviour is back to normal, chances are she will be fine. Was she running a high fever?
My daughter went much longer than four hours, it was more like seven, and along with the piercing screams, high fever and listlesness, she finally rolled her eyes up and went totally limp in my arms, I thought ....well.., you know what I thought...
The protocols that Ev advises you for detoxing are excellent. If you feel more comfortable, seek a pedriatic naturopath for directions and support.
I'm telling my story at this point not only as a response to your post, but in case there is someone out there still wondering what they should do about these vaccines, now you know how I feel and why.
It sounds like your baby will be ok, Kelly, thank God. Please keep us posted and many blessings of health and healing to you and your little one.