Re: relationship reading
10-13-1985 = 1/4/5 = 28/1
challenges: 3/1/4/1
personal year: 1 as of LAST b-day, 2 as of this
and his is 05-02-1984 = 29/11
challenges: 3/2/1/1
personal year: 4 as of LAST b-day
ah... okay, you're going into a 2 year, that really places a lot of pressure on relationships. 2 is all about relationships, contracts, fine details. It's easy to get hyper-sensitive and self-absorbed, make a lot of assumptions.
Since you're born on the 4th day and he's born on the 2, the attraction was there at the outset but the potential for problems is ALways there. Now these problems can be a way for the two of you to help each other to grow, especially you, and so as long as these "problems" are leading to any kind of self-development, put up with them! This can be a very empowering relationship for you.
Learn which "problems" are actually YOUR problems, ones that YOU are creating. Learn which problems really are problems. Only the ones having to do with something like a lack of respect or integrity are real problems. The rest are your own creations being mirrored back to you. Any time you're trying to control his behavior and responses to you, that is a problem you're creating. True Love is allowance and acceptance of everything that does not demean us. If he's trying to get you to change anything about yourself that does not demean him, then that's a very bad sign too.
One thing he will do that will drive you absolutely bats is cave. There are times when his feelings are hurt or ego bruised that the only thing he can do is get quiet, alone, and recover alone. You'll feel him withdrawing his energy and that will bring out all your fears of abandonment, especially since most of the time he is quite nurturing and supportive of you. You have to get used to this. It's a guy thing, and a 2 day thing, and 11 life lesson number thing, so he has it in abundance! :)
The best thing you can do for him then is say okay honey, I know you need to be alone right now and I support you in that and I will be here for you when you want me to be, just let me know. That will shorten his cave time exponentially. If instead you constantly call him and force his attention on you, you will create negative associations in his mind with your presense, and he'll start questioning whether he should be in a relationship with you. When guys are forced to do that a lot the answer is usually "no." But if he gets a chance to MISS your presense, he will get back in touch with how much you mean to him, and the "absence makes the heart grow fonder" energy will kick in and he'll come back with roses.
Hope that makes sense! :)