Shellycat -- question for a friend!
Shellycat, you are so sweet to help with these numbers things!
Here is my question. A dear friend has a screenplay she has been working on for a long time and now is ready to get it made into a movie. Lots of work has been done, but she needs all the help she can get to make this a reality.
Her name number from birth is an 8 (not a 44 though).
Her stage name number (she's an actor too) is 11.
Do you think the title of her movie should resonate with the 11 or the 8? If an 8, would it be even better if it were a 44/8?
A numerologist I heard on the radio said an author's name number and title should be the same number. I've been thinking that since the 8 is the "material abundance" number maybe she would do well to use her birth name as her pen name and go with an 8 title. But then ran into 44/8 titles while figuring them out, and wondering if a 44 might be even better? Or would the 11 be better for some reason?
Thanks for any help you can give!