Re: Easy, trippy personality test!
Ack! None of the above? =)
Sorry, but those all are squarely equal in my book. Now, fresh mown grass, mountain air, country fields after a quick summer rain, that little spot just behind and beneath my husband's ear, gardenias and jasmines on the evening air, honeysuckle and pine trees.... gee, aside from my husband, I think I see a definite theme going here... ;)
Damn, I think I just made it even more complicated! lol
The "food" smell I love best if fresh from the oven potato bread, not the sweetened cinnamon rolls. Guess I'd have to go with fresh ground coffee, too. Although a good steak sizzling on the grill... doesn't quite smell like burgers, but, lets hear the burger one, too!
Just in an odd mood today, I guess... =)