oh yeah the two!
heheheh okay the Two, well you know the basic definition already.
So why would you go from 12 to 2? If 2 is the action to be taken, and the outcome is unknown (which is a wonderful outcome actually) then I'd say the 2 here is all about achieving balance.
2 stands for two points, which when connected is a straight line, the most awkward shape in terms of balance. In Tarot, 2 is the High Priestess (yet another feminine archetype).
In the High Priestess, duality, black and white, reality and illusion, ego and super-ego, have been integrated and balanced. They work together and thus psychic messages enter unimpeded by voices of the past or ghosts or demons.
All of the answers are within our unconscious, the base of the brain that has the most neural connections and controls our sense of balance, not only physically but also with other dimensions.
Thus the action to be taken is meditation, looking within, getting so quiet in a twilight dream state that any answers you need just seem to "come" to you.
Thomas Edison, when he was trying to create the lightbulb, did this wonderful thing. He would sit back in a comfortable easy chair with a bunch of ballbearings in his right hand, held over a metal dish to catch them. He would then meditate on letting go of all thought, and if he fell asleep, he would drop the ballbearings into the cup, the sound of which would wake him up. Thus he could remain in the twilight state of not quite asleep and not quite awake for long periods of time. This would allow inspiration to come in unimpeded, and off he'd go to try another compound to create light.
You can also do this by making a recording of sound every five minutes or so of something just loud enough to wake you up.
Hope that helps! :)