improvements since first flush
I've noticed 2 distinct improvements since I've done my first flush, number one is while running, expecially if I go for a week without running, I would have a tendancy to cramp up starting right in the right ribcage and eventually spreading to other parts of my chest and abs, which would eventually go away. This is gone completely, not a single cramp after 4-5 miles running.
I also seem to have improved vision and concentration as well, although I will further verify this after a second flush next week. Anyone else have any great improvements? I know you have. ;)
For being 22 and in good health, I would not have expected this kind of improvement, and it's amazing, I'm finding, how many modern problems can be attributed to simple solutions, such as giving up hydrogenated oils, ASPARTAME, and simple therapeutic solutions like liver flushs, which if more people knew about, would save millions of dollars in drug costs and doctor visits.
I've come to see doctors to be in the same league as lawyers, politicians, and car salesmen the more and more research I do.