anyone who does not use epsom when they flush? please respond!
-if this is you what do you use in place of them?
-what is exact dose of the alternative you use?
-is it readily available,and where might one get it?
-or has anyone had good experience using less epsom?
i have posed this ques. before, but did not have many takers nor receive detailed enough answers. i am sorry to post again, but i am beginning to feel desperate. i really dont want to try flushing w/o using anything.
i really need to do another flush soon, but cannot until i get this ques. answered. i am having bad gallbladder pain, even when eating low to no fat meals and need to FLUSH! epsom causes me intolerable pain, scoured feeling intestines so i need an alternative.
to hopinso: i went to the digtalnaturopath site you mentioned, but could not find anything there. no links or descriptions of any type of flushes. could you maybe post a direct link to the info?