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Reply to bone re cases./not to original post...

Original Hulda Clark
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Original Hulda Clark
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Just Wondering Views: 3,106
Published: 22 y
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Reply to bone re cases./not to original post...

Dear Bone,

I've never taken a case for mercury poisoning, because I know that in this country, they don't have a leg to stand on. We don't have a tort system the way USA has. We have accident compensation, which included medical misadventure, but if it is medical error (which is different) that goes through a civil process quite different from accident compensation.

Absolutely there is a link between mercury (acrodynia) and vaccinations. Mercury was only discontinued in this country in 2001, so it will be a while before we ~ hopefully ~ will see a difference.

But the trouble is, Autism is not genetic, and its not as simple as they make out. And it's not just the mercury that does it. Its a combo of the mercury causing toxicity, and shutting down enzyme pathways, but also the fact that vaccines are designed to skew the immune system from a Th1 system (which is what a person needs to survive) to a Th2 system. If the system gets skewed permanently, then you get inappropriate immune responses to all the other pathogens that need a Th1 response.

Even using vaccines without mercury can spark autism. I have never met an autistic child (I'm talking about fast regressive autism from perfectly normal kids, after a vaccine) that hasn't had absolutely deranged immunological tests. And they still say its genetic.

Or the other hoary is that its better diagnostic procedures. Well, spare me daisies. If its just better diagnosis, why don't I see undiagnosed adults walking around behaving just like the diagnosed kids? They have plenty of trite wee excuses to make...

The other thing is that these kids, unlike "normal autistic kids" can be treated, and can be retrieved. Having watched several go through that process, and been part of that process, I KNOW>>>> However, their immune systems are usually permanently Th2 skewed, and they require expensive, life-long supplements just to keep on the straight and narrow.

I haven't yet found a way to redo the immune skewing that the vaccine has done, but daily supplements seem to be able to acutely skew it enough to get by. But if you stop the supplements, you see the regression coming back, so IMO, its immunological, because those are the parameters that change so visibly....

And retrieved kids get sick with a cold, or get caught in spray drift, they regress almost immediately. The best and most efficient way to detoxify spray drift in these kids is Vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) pycnogenol, and cod liver oil. With the colds, the kids won't "surface" until the infection has run its course, and you can use the above three, but because there is an infectious component 'the lights' won't turn back on, until the infection is dealt with.

I have dealt with many of these children, though I NEVER take the case on the basis of acrodynia or autism. There is such a mind-block, that you can guarantee the minute they see "autism" the answer will be "No" no matter what.

Most of these kids ~ if the right tests are done ~ will show clinical evidence of encephalopathy, which is a recognised side effect. So all cases, where there is clinical evidence of encephalopathy, I work up on that basis. Because at that stage, the experts aren't "tuned in" to autism, so they don't usually see it, but just interpret it as anxiety behaviour. so the parents concentrate on the symptoms of the encephalopathy, and then talk "vaguely" after that, about how "Johnie" just has never been right. Slow... and sort of not quite on the ball Blah blah...

Its usually after the case is done, (and mostly won!) when doing remedial medical work-up for potential treatment that some medical bright spark will get this brain wave, and will pick up the autism. So the parents are well drilled in how not to bust out giggling, or say "I could have told you that" and to be po-faced when told, then act all surprised etc.....

I know, it sounds perverse. But there is a sense in which the system has to be "worked". There is no such thing as justice. Law is a game, and the person who wins is the person who uses their smarts.

Most of the autism I see follows either mild, or serious encephalopathy. Which you only get with severe immune system disruption, and also endotoxemia, which causes the brain blood barrier to become leaky..... anyway, I prattle....

Beck to your mercury poisoning. I don't know the law in your country regarding amalgam. Would someone like Hal Huggins, or the others who are clued in on your situation, be able to tell you what your chances are on that one?


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