Flushing After Master Cleanse-The Good,Bad,and Ugly
This was probably my 14th
Liver Flush in 12 months, but it was the first one after doing a 10 day Master Cleanse fast. I drank diluted apple juice for three days after
Master-Cleanse to prepare for the flush, did two
Epsom Salt drinks, and took olive oil and lemon juice last night.
I started passing some stones about 4 AM. They were all small irregularly shaped stones and a lot of chaff (or flakes). I went ahead and did an
Epsom Salt drink at 8 AM. I passed a few pea sized stones with little green tails (a first), more small stones and a lot of chaff. There were also some odd corkscrew shaped things. At first I thought they might be parasites, but seemed to be composed of the same thing as the stones.
By mid morning I was feeling downright toxic-headache, runny nose, sweaty and nauseated. I did an enema, something I've never done this early in a flush. I was afraid I couldn't keep down either
Sea Salt or Epsom salt. That's when things started happening. I passed a dozen or so large, irregular stones, some with tails, lots more smaller stones, an unbelievable amount of chaff, and brown fluid. I immediately started feeling better. Since then, more stones of all sizes have come out.
Sorry to have been so graphic in these descriptions, but several people have been wondering about doing flushes during or right after MC. My results may not be typical since I've flushed so many times. I do feel that I am get deeper cleanses in my liver now. Today, I'm going to focus on getting rehydrated. Tomorrow I hope to
Water Fast for a day, then its another week of
Master-Cleanse and P&B shakes. I want to do an extended
Bowel Cleanse with healthy eating after finishing the MC.