I tried to post similar facts in the Christianity Forum and I took a lot of flak from everyone. I can't understand how so many Christians can be so naive and misinformed about Judaism. Christians and Jews, from a religious standpoint, are the exact opposites!! Christianity teaches to love thy neighbor as thy self. Talmudic Judaism teaches to lie, cheat, steal, exploit, and even murder non Jews (Goyim)if this behavior will somehow benefit a Jew. We are diametrically opposed since the fundamental belief in Jesus Christ as the Messiah is utterly denied by the Jews. They believe Jesus is burning in Hell. They believe Jesus was a Sorceror who did miracles by the power of Satan. Furthermore their religion teaches that all Gentiles are wild animals that should be exploited by the Master race, the Jewish people?! If you educate yourself on Jewish religious teachings then maybe you would be less likely to be exploited by them in the business world! I think that every Christian should do some major reading and study of the most Holy Jewish religious book, The Talmud. Maybe then they would understand why Mel Gibson can't make a movie about the true life and death of Jesus without Jewish permission and approval.