Who is to blame
Some people will point their fingers at others and say that these people are to blame. But the only thing that the first group is doing is trying to hide the darkness that is in their closet, which is hidden from the public's eyes or is it?
I am just a person with a small town country attitude, (I grew up in a small town called Port Hardy in British Columbia Canada), what you see is what you get with me. I am a person who is not afraid to say it as I see it, and if this affends anyone, I make no bones. For everyone is intitled to their own opinions, and it is this difference which makes humanity that much stronger. But at the same time remember, if you do not aggree with me then just respond in words not actions that a few have already done. For this is a form of oppression and darkness, which should not be allowed to go unpunished. Already because of my words that I wrote in my first novel "2004 Daemon's Revenge" which was copy written in the USA library of Congress on the 20th of April 2001, my wife and I have been terrorized and chased from our country of birth.
Now people are probably saying so what makes you so different? And to this I say that the country we were terrorized and chased from was Canada (same nation I served in the military for eight years nine months and one day, with one United Nations tour to Iran in 1988). All this novel did was tie the Assistant Director of the FBI and the Former Federal Opposition leader of Canada, and others spread throughout the world into a group which had conspired against the people of the world and had allied themselves with KNOWN WORLD TERRORIST (in a fictional sense and remember my novel was copy written back on the 20th of April 2001). However, it seems that a few select people did not share my imagination and it was these people who openingly attacked my wife and I with threats and actions against us. I know this sounds right out there, and I sometimes wish that nothing ever happen to my wife and I. But then I think of the innocent people of the world, who do not ask to be suppressed or even killed because their opinion or believes is different from a select few, it is then that I regain the desire to continue on with getting my wife's and story out for the world to see. As I continue to fight with a pen for the rights of the people of the world.
For the people, who attacked my wife and I in Canada, and are now engage in a game of denying some of our mail in the US. I have a message for you and that I will never stop standing up for the Basic human rights of people throughout the world. So now I say to everyone, may you enjoy the summary of my second novel "2004 Daemon's Revenge The Organization"
Summary Of “ 2004 Daemon’s Revenge” The Organization
(Poor man copy written since May 24, 2002, tentatively copy written date of the 8th of May 2003 in the USA library of Congress.)
The Organization’s master plan of world domination has begun with its first final steps; with no turning back they are making sure that the Cause will not fail. As they release the legions of hell upon the earth, tearing the safety net from society that once held it together. In its’ drive, to gain world domination, the Organization has bought the USA Presidential election of 2000, which will make sure that their people are placed high up within positions of power in the US Government. When the time is right, this will allow the Organization to set up the new President with false documents. The false documents will give an illusion that will cause the US citizen to believe in a lie and bring down the Leader of their country. Then the Vice President will be permanently removed. The Organization will have their people in control of the mightiest country in the world. If these plans do not work, then the President and Vice President will be taken out forever, which again will allow the Organization to have control over the US and its massive stockpile of KNOWN weapons of mass destruction.
Daemon releases his reigns of power to a new leader, Conrad Marks who has risen from the shadows of darkness, without anyone but Daemon’s knowledge that Marks is one of them. For originally, Conrad is thought of as being a political figure from Canada, who is the main founder of a Political party in that Nation that is now the Official Federal Opposition Party, which Mr. Greensmith controls at this time.
Conrad Marks, the new leader of the Organization has his people to continue on with Daemon’s master plans. Conrad has his people to work on producing an airborne Aids virus. At the same time, he has his scientist continuing to perfect Ebola, Foot and Mouth Disease and other viruses that will be as biological weapons against society. Presently the controlled experiments are carried out on the unknowing innocent people of the world, in select areas of the earth.
The dark days of allying with the terrorist is soon coming to an end, with a master plan, which will tie Arfate (Arafat) and other terrorist groups up in a nice neat package. This will then put these groups in positions, where their nightmares are allowed to come true against them. These attacks will cause people of the world to become angry and the society will only see the deception that will be played out as being the truth. Numerous people in the Western World will shout out for revenge, which they will call justice against a few dark characters of the world, however in reality this justice will only prove to be oppression of the innocent, who had no part of the deception to begin with.
In an effort to eliminate the Opposition of the French, the outspoken artists and the Native Americans voices in North America, Conrad pushes his people to allow the Treaty of American to come forth into law. This agreement will not only strip the rights away from the Native Americans, but also it will carry out a genocide against the French language as this agreement eases this language from the landscape of the Americans. Also this agreement will have all intellectual property to owned by Corporations, which will then squash any rights of freedom of speech and press that are now hanging by a thread throughout all Western democratic countries.
For years, the Organization has been artificially keeping the Canadian dollar down, all in an effort to break the spirits of the people and allow companies to be brought up for a fraction of the price that they are worth. The top Frenchman within Canada has already sold out not only his culture; but also the people of Canada, as he carries out the Organization’s desires. While he allows oppressive laws to come into being, which will ultimately make it that much easer for the Organization to turn the Canadian people into slave for them.
With the new laws and segregation of innocent people as well as the new viruses that the organization has spread throughout the world; Conrad views that he has won without any form of Opposition against him. The camps and ovens, which Conrad will use to cease the society of the Gays, Gypsies, the out spoken artist and the less desirable will be set up almost immediately once the Organization gains power. From National Censuses and other lists, people will be cataloged into whatever group that they are viewed as being a part of. If you do not fit in the Organization, then you will be silenced or worst a slave without free will. These sentences will also be carried out in whatever way upon your whole family.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read what I had to say and my summary. If you wish to visit my web site it is www.angus-mcleod.com on that site I have most of what my wife and I have been through because of my writings. Also on this site I show how this novel has directly tied into what has been happening over these past couple of years, as I took excerpt from my copy written novel and show how these words pointed towards what has been happening.