Hopinso! (or as I like to call you fondly "H" - which also happens to be easier to type, please let me know if you dislike my abbreviation!)
Thanks ever so much for your enema recipes link a few pages back. When I got back on today, I picked up where I left of on Thursday and caught up on all the posts - there's not just stuff to be learned, there's wild laughter to not be missed and juicy toilet stories to catch up on!
So thanks for your humor and passing your knowledge my way, as you've been so quick and willing to do ever since I hopped on this board at the beginning of my cleanse.
Also - thanks for sharing your info as you do on a continual basis. That's one of the fine things that makes this board what it is - people who are not only willing to share what they know, but who they are, and you are a true example of that.