Your Food question
Nope! No sugar, no refined white flour (pasta, bread), starches (white rice), and skip the dairy - certainly the cheese, cause that's what causes that lovely mucoid plaque the parasites nest in.
If you are new to this whole thing, I definitely suggest reading all the posts for a few pages, one at a time. You'll get a far better education than I could give you.
Also, explore the rest of this site, which is a tremendous resource, and you'll learn how the individual pieces tie into the whole.
Doing a Google search will help too - depends on how much info you really want to get a hold of - a search for "killing parasites" will lead you to some substantially informative websites, many of which list foods you should eat and foods you should stay away from.
As a general rule, think vegetarian if not vegan, and raw. There are other specifics that are targeted, but the posts and web sites will inform you of those.
Keep in touch and hang out - you'll learn and laugh at the same time!