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cramps and burns and stuff
blueskyz Views: 1,699
Published: 22 y
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cramps and burns and stuff

No, I've been quite "slow to go" on all this stuff. I suspect years of cheese has given them a wonderful nest. I didn't even show signs of detoxing except for silt - until day 9 of the MC, which is why I decided to do this bowel and parasite thing separately.

It's still somewhat disappointingly anticlimactic!Enough already - I want to see some action and be done with it!

What I DID have today is AMAZING gas - like I've never had in my life. And my stomach was making the STRANGEST noises all day! Earlier this evening, it took on a new pattern: strange things in the toilet and I actually FEEL better instead of feeling like it's just another 15 minutes til I do the whole thing again.

I'm going to end up washing my hands right off my arms. I never knew I could go through a roll of toilet paper in about 24 hours! it really gets QUITE boring.

I do have a rashy, sporadically itchy thing happening on my upper chest - feels and looks like a heat rash I scratched to death. My back too. I LOVE the skin brushing and then loofahing in the shower - so I guess I AM scratching it to death..... That's been going on pretty steadily. Yes - and itchy bumps on my fingers, now that you mention it - and I'm itching my pinky and there's a bump there!

But y'all - y'all have fun stuff happening! Big worm explosions, stomachs that come alive (like that one scene in the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie where that kid/adult looking thing pops out of his stomach), foul breath, etc. None of that for me yet. I'm going to get an enema bag tomorrow at lunch and practice a more organic and beneficial use for coffee. Or maybe wheat grass, since that was the one that kicked you into overdrive....

What's your take on this zapping thing?
(Enough of this scintillating conversation! Time for me to go to bed.)


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