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Re: Detox Bath?

Lose Weight Naturally
With a 9 day detox

raymond Views: 1,473
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 616,799

Re: Detox Bath?

When I first purchased the products, I bought the soap, neutralizer, neutralizer gel, skin moisturizer and deodorant stone. You can purchase them from any online site as the prices will all be pretty much the same. I use the link below to purchase small items:

HOWEVER, there is a woman who sells these products in bulk for much cheaper. She has no online site but can be reached via email. The only thing here is that you must buy twelve products at once or one gallon of product. I use her to buy my replacement gallons as this is absolutely the best value (and I buy the soap and neutralizer by the gallon). However, if you are not sure if you will like the products, you may want to try one of the smaller sized products first by ordering them online. That is what I did as I don't like to buy in bulk until I know for sure I will use that much. Everyone in my family uses these products so it is much cheaper for us to buy in bulk for most items. However, every now and then I need something small NOW and so I just order from the website. The email address for the bulk purchases is:

These products have made a huge difference in my health and I love what it pulls out of my system during my detox baths. They give you literature on how much to take, use, etc. However, I found for me that those amounts weren't working - so I stepped it up and began to see results. For example, I believe they say to start with 7 drops of the neutralizer daily. I eventually ended up taking one ounce daily. I started out using one capful of the soap and neutralizer in my detox baths and ended up using one ounce of soap and two ounces of neutralizer. If you use this, you will need to personalize it towards your health goals. What I did was start with their recommendations and increased from there.



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