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Re: Use Aloe internally for Eczema!
mslarsen137 Views: 4,143
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 6,158

Re: Use Aloe internally for Eczema!

Your comment prompted me to check with the company where I get my supplements, turns out they have a whole leaf aloe product too. It's low heat processed to preserve the vitamin, mineral, and enzyme content. They recommend 1 tsp. before each meal. that makes it a 96 serving container, so it should last about a month, and I can get it for $22.50, rather than the $23.95 for the ultimate aloe. I think I'm going to try it out next month. While it won't be the ultimate aloe that you suggested, and I'll be using it for it's digestive benefits rather than for eczema (which is already gone) I wanted to thank you for brining this to my attention. I'll let you know how it goes. Take care, Mike


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