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Sorry-This was Supposed To Post To Liver Flush Forum!
raymond Views: 1,080
Published: 21 y
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Sorry-This was Supposed To Post To Liver Flush Forum!

My first Liver Flush produced minimal, very small stones. I used the Dr. Clark protocol to the letter.

My second Liver Flush had to be aborted due to my blood Sugar crash resulting in a severe hypoclycemia attack. Thus, only 2-5 stones were passed. I followed Dr. Clark's protocol with the exception of substituting magnesium citrate for the espom salts.

My third flush I decided to try something different. I knew the espom salts were too harsh and the magnesium citrate was too sweet/tart and possibly induced my hypoglycemia attack. Julia Chang suggested I try her recipe for the flush as she does not use Epsom Salts . Using the advice of others on this forum, I also decided NOT to skip my usual late afternoon snack nor dinner. However, all meals were very low to no fat. The only thing I did Friday night was take one cup of olive oil mixed with one cup of fresh grapefruit juice. I did this by mixing 1/4 cup of the oil and juice and drank this every 15 minutes so that within the hour, I had consumed one full cup of each. I ran two grapefruits through my juicer to produce the one full cup. I was worried about not having any salts to keep the stones from getting stuck. I decided to take one teaspoon each of Coptis and Curcuma, just in case. The Curcuma also helps with sleep so I knew I wouldn't be tossing and turning all night. I then went to bed at 10:00 pm as usual.

At 5:00 am I felt very nauseaous. I got up to drink some ginger tea to no avail. I began to vomit and brought up the olive oil four times. YUK! It is bad enough going down.....don't need to taste that again going up! I was very worried the flush was a bust but knew it had been in my system for over 8 hours. This also happened to me on my second flush. My system must NOT like olive oil!

I went back to bed and woke up at 7:00 am. Per Julia's instructions, I then put two teaspoons of Sea Salt into one liter of warm water. It took me about 3 hours to drink this, but I did it. About an hour later I had my first bm. Due to my not having any salts the night before, I did not have butt pee, but a normal formed bm - but very soft in consistency. However, I could see it was loaded with small stones! Very cool.

The next bm was the motherlode! The salt had begun to work so by then was the usual butt pee. To my amazement, there were over 10 dark green stones floating that were the size of my thumb! Huge! I can't believe stones that size could have passed without pain as I didn't use the salts the night before. Thank goodness I had taken the Coptis and Curcuma the night before. I had also taken the Gold Coin Grass for two weeks prior so while they were huge, they were softened. The bowl was also filled with over 200 pea size dark green stones. Throughout the day, I passed at least 100 more pea size stones. What a success.

I finally feel I found the right flush for me. One that allows me to eat most of the day and that flushed out a huge amount of stones. The pain in my right hand side subsided for about 3 days but it is back again, although in a much more minor way. I plan to flush again in two weeks as I know there are more stones that need to be flushed out.

I agree that my first two flushes were not successful in quantity of stones produced, but now believe that those flushes prepared my body to finally release these huge stones.

Does anyone know if these stones are coming from the liver or the gallbladder? If the liver, then does that mean the gallbladder is now clean?

Thanks for listening! After this flush, I feel like the Joe Boxer happy dancing guy on the K-Mart commercials!!!




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