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Re: Any good chiropractors in Dallas/Carrollton, TX
SqueakyClean Views: 1,676
Published: 19 y
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Re: Any good chiropractors in Dallas/Carrollton, TX

Hey, there is a SUPER chiropractor in San Antonio. I know that's kinda far from Dallas, but I just wanted to mention him. I don't even live near Texas! But my friends go to this chiropractor and had really an excellent experience. This chiropractor does something to your muscles so that the adjustment stays, and you don't have to keep coming back all the time. One visit is usually enough for a while. My friend got injured and when he went in, the doctor treated him for a full hour, only charged him the 1/2 hour rate, then had him come back a few days later at no charge.

I went for an adjustment while I was visiting my friends. I didn't have any particular problem. But he pointed out that I was getting the beginning of a sway-back. Then he accurately guessed how I sleep (on my stomach with one leg pulled up) and told me that it was like a bad adjustment every night, pulling my back out slowly. He said that the best way to sleep is on my side, in the fetal position, and the 2nd best way is on my back - never on my stomach. So starting from that night, I haven't slept on my stomach, and even though I didn't sleep so well those first few nights (I kept wanting to roll onto my stomach), I now can tell that it really is better for me. That tip in itself helped me a lot.
I know nothing but good things and liked him when I met him, he and his office and the whole experience had a good vibe. So if you're ever in the San Antonio area then you might want to look him up.
DON'T LAUGH - his name is Ken Looney.


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