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The gathering of forces!

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

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The gathering of forces!

The Gathering of the Forces...

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Saturday, September 11th, 2004

This October 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2004, I'll be in Seattle, Washington, with 500 of my friends at the annual RIFE 2004 International Health Conference. Like last year, it will be held at the DoubleTree Guest Suites Hotel - Southcenter. There you'll find the future of health care - everything Big Pharma can't sleep at night over...

Like last year, there is a plethora of superb speakers, including Dr. Richard Loyd, PhD - Seattle (the host), Dr. Carl Taylor, M.D. - Canada, Dr. Steven Haltiwanger, M.D. Peter Walker - Cologne, Germany, Dr. Martin Blank, PhD - New York, Dr. Nenah Sylver, PhD - New York, Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen - San Juan Capistrano, and of course Hulda Regehr Clark PhD.

Hulda Clark will be speaking on Saturday, October 2nd, 2004 between 3:00pm to 5:00pm in the main room (it holds 500), and, with her team, will be hosting classes on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday morning there is a special (with additional fee) "Four Hours With Hulda Clark ," event.

Clark will be announcing her new book - a fifth NEW BOOK - not a revision of any of her previously published blockbusters "The Cure for HIV/AIDS, The Cure for All Cancers, The Cure for Advanced Cancers, or The Cure For All Diseases , and will be available for a book signing. I'm told that this book will be in Hard Cover.

Hulda Clark , as I'm sure you know, is Big Pharma's PRIMARY TARGET worldwide. Big Pharma's sleazy "quackbuster" operation literally screeches her name in public - they're so afraid of what she has to say about health care.

I observe the "quackbuster" operation continuously, and from what I see, the New York ad agency that runs the "quackbuster" operation has given hard orders to the minions, to focus on Clark. * MD Stephen Barrett, author of the "quackbuster's bible,", recently hit Clark again, this time claiming (insert laughter here) that Scientist Hulda Clark, who he calls an "unlicensed naturopath," is some sort of devious master criminal who is spending a fortune to attack poor him (Stephen Barrett).


Barrett, who the last time I saw him, badly needed a haircut, a shoeshine, and some serious shampoo for his hair, seems to be slipping further into la-la land. Every "quackbuster" assault against Clark has not only FAILED, but has increased her worldwide popularity.

What Clark has to say, of course, is being repeated, and very often originated, by "health" supporters worldwide. Clark, and those like her (that's ALL of us), are addressing the primary problems of the "status quo" in health care in the USA.

The "status quo" (Medicine) is killing, and maiming, Americans. The cost of maintaining that "status quo" is too high. According to a revealing new study I have on my desk, a compilation of recent government studies, called “Death by Medicine,” conventional health care ("Medicine"), used in the “accepted” manner is now the number one killer of Americans. And number two (heart disease), and number three (cancer)…

According to the “Death by Medicine,” study, 2,036,884 Americans die UNNECESSARILY each year, due to the policies and procedures of “accepted” medical care. The number of people "harmed" by "accepted" medical care is estimated at 20 times the death number. The “status quo” in health care is definitely harming America. And NOTHING is being done about it by the government agencies we assigned to the task..

That’s right – NOTHING… but we've learned to expect that.

This Year, Tim Bolen (that's me) is a Speaker at the Rife Conference...

Yup, you read that right. I'll be doing several hours on Saturday night. I'm sure you don't need to be told what I'm going to be talking about. Readers of my "Millions of health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter" know, for sure, that I have a broad knowledge of the activities of Big Pharma's "quackbuster" operation, and I don't hide their shenanigans.

But what a lot of you don't know is that I get my information from a very "hands-on" activity. In my business "JuriMed - Public Relations & Research Group, " I organize, and consult on those kinds of campaigns. I'm a Crisis Management Consultant. Usually, if I write about something, I'm involved in it - and have probably been involved in it for some time, before I talked about it.

I'm a strategist, and a tactician like Dwight David Eisenhower. "Ike," as he was popularly known devised and executed the plan to take back Europe from the Nazis, and shut them down, for all time. I devise and execute plans to take back health care from Big Pharma, and its minions. Like "Ike," I play to win.

Next year I'm planning a series of two-and-a-half-day seminars demonstrating how to accomplish your goals in the face of attack.

Come by and here what I've got to say. Beating the "quackbuster" Conspiracy is easier than you think. Bring your questions. And,

Stay tuned...

Tim Bolen - Consumer Advocate

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