Re: Need help!!! re: dental cleanup
Feeling bad for you have had and continue having my own nightmare of dental work. Got lots to do, but wanted to share cilantro pesto may be good to do search for at this site as well as net. How about garlic capsules as kills infections? For kidneys as searched for daughter, do search for
kidney cleanse and get lots from this site. My daughter may do the
Celery seed tea, check with health food store, as I'm not sure how to make own, or can find recipe and get seeds at HFS too. She had pains in badck and blamed it on back, but her boyfriend said it is the kidney area and so I did search and sounds like it as her's is inmiddle of back to lower. Feel well. Here not only are dental problems challenging to us to find the right dentist, but outragously expensive. I can avoid doctors, but not dentists sadly. Next is removing my crown, that has decay and dealing with that step next. Lots of work down the road. No job either. We are working on disease to the mouth first, then other things later on. never ends with my teeth even though I eat fabulous--vegan, mainly raw too. Going to get my seaveggies into my diet. Read Linda Page site by doing net search and read about seaveggies or seaweeds. Check out her past newsletters too. Great site.