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Re: I think
stridar Views: 2,531
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 611,383

Re: I think

you represent the opposite of everything that curezone claims to stand for! Anyone who supports quatchwatch and the despicable stephan barret is just a mouth peice for the pharmceutical industry whether a paid troll or a very naive yet insistent antagonist!The motto of curezone is 'educate not medicate' yet you push drugs on chidren suggesting ritalin for the mildest of possible symptoms!
you oppose most of the protocal here and harrass in many of the forums! Why are you here?
Curezone gives refuge and hope to many who have been mistreated misdiagnosed wounded
ripped off and have freinds or relaitives who lost them to the butchery of establishment medicine!
You come here with your university dogma and corporate persona and disrupt confuse and spread you disinformation!
Perhaps you didnt break any posting rules with your distasteful way of posting under your anonymous and handle at the same time, maybe stepping on other peoples toes with your insulting manner is just part of your nature!
My concern is you get free range, then ho many of your type are going to burst apon the scene to pollute everything this place means to people who are ill and are looking fo r real cures ???
The idea that Curezone is some kind of playground for the obsessive playful so called truth seeker with no other reason to be here, is just plain pathetic!
To say we must not discriminate , we must let the opposition have thier say is sad!
Is this a place to heal ? Or is it a target or every shot, know it all on the net to to take pot shots at ?
Why are you here once again? Are you ill are you treatng someone who is ill a friend or a relative? Or are you just some boring soul with nothing better to do!
I dont hang around sites that are in total oppositions to my belief system.
The Webmaster must think this is some kind of political playground to allow you here, you may not be a troll, but you are an antagonist to healing!



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