I have suffered from chronic vaginal yeast infections for around 6 years. I have read and posted on the Candida Forum and the ph forum, because I have heard they are related. However, all the info is related to candida in the whole body and organs. And the pH site is about different pH's, not vaginal, yet the people there continue to tell you their opionions, even though they are not based on vaginal yeast infections or vaginal pH numbers. Through searching, I have found much info on vaginal pH ranges, different homopathic and natural douches and supposatories that many have found helpful, even totally curing once chronic infections. Vaginal yeast infections, alone, not throughout the entire body, do exist and can be treated differently than candida throughout the body. Much info is out there and should be shared with others who need help! I think a forum on only Chronic Vaginal Yeast Infections would be a welcome addition to the Curezone family!!!